Monday, March 14, 2022

Ben Stiller: the memoir about William Hurt


On March 14, 2022, on Twitter, Ben Stiller wrote a beautiful memoir about the late actor William Hurt:

1/ I’m very sad about the passing of William Hurt. A brilliant actor, who put everything into his work. I had a chance to spend time with when I was younger. My father worked with him in a play called Hurlyburly by David Rabe. They were both amazing in it.

2/ The play was hit and ran for a couple of years on Broadway. Over that time Bill and my Dad became friendly. My sister and I were in our late teens and early twenties, both aspiring actors. He was at the height of his fame as a leading man, making smart, challenging mainstream

3/ movies. He was so kind to my sister and I. He spent time at our apartment, and came to visit my parents up in Nantucket. He would talk to us about acting, and the crest or process. He talked to us as if we were adults, not kids of his friend. He made a huge impact…

4/ on both of us. He inspired us to be who we were and commit to the work. Mostly , he made us feel special and was kind. I never saw him in the years after, except a couple of times. But I always held a place in my heart and have always been so grateful to have known him…

5/ Watch his movies if you can and see a different kind of movie star, for whom the work was more important than status. He did great work. I hope he and Anne and Jerry are having a laugh somewhere now. #RIPWilliamHurt 



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